Wednesday, July 31, 2019

MMB Case Study for Ecommerce Essay

1. The first 5 stages of customer loyalty: MMB’s customers are 80% repeat customers so it would make sense that most of the customers are at the commitment stage. They come back every year. I would say that %5 are in the separation stage because of losing interest in the activity, finding a different company, etc. %80 are in the commitment stage. %1-5 are in the familiarity stage that are repeat customers but haven’t committed to the company. %10 in the exploration stage because I think this is a bigger part of gaining customers, you find a lot of customers feeling a new hobby or company out and want to try something new, in this case it’s mountain biking. Also, because the case study said that MMB gets quite a few e-mails from the website. %1-5 of customers I would guess is in the awareness stage. 2. E-mail Marketing Strategy: MMB could implement a e-newsletter or a promotional email listing. Could MMB e-mail that list of 60k instead of mailing print? It would cut costs but still bring awareness to new customers. MMB could also sale some of those pictures with their logo on them via e-mail since there have been inquires for them. 3. Viral Marketing: The pictures that were put on the web site were popular. I would tell Jerry to convince Robin to take more and sale them on his website with MMB’s logo on them. Promotional posters could be sold too. I think the idea with the hats and jackets was a great idea maybe not so much to make a profit but to at least get customers wearing the gear to get the brand more recognition since so many customers are repeat customers getting them to wear the logo will bring awareness to new customers. Let the repeat customers be walking billboards. Maybe offer the caps and jackets to repeat customers to gain loyalty for every year they return. 4. Outline affiliate marketing strategy and 5 websites: Using is a good start. Almost everyone is on Amazon and it almost seems like a mandatory requirement for any company. I don’t know if MMB could sale something to bigger stores like Big 5 and Dick’s Sporting Goods even if it’s just a cap on their companies websites. Since Jerry doesn’t know a lot about photography getting an affiliate to sale those photos and manage the retail of the jackets and caps could help him. is one of the top stock photo selling companies on the Internet. Getting an ad on would reach some athletes looking to venture into biking. Another great and necessary way to gain customers is by social media. It’d be great for MMB to get a Facebook. Let the customers tag themselves, upload pictures, and comment on the explorations that MMB is doing. Pay to put ads on their website. MMB tried promoting it’s name in a sporting magazine but why not a specific mountain biking magazine? Or website. is Mountain Biking Action Magazine’s website and advertising on there could be more beneficial to MMB’s advertising efforts than just a general sporting magazine.

Growing Opposition to Slavery

During the late 1700s to mid 1800s, a growing opposition to slavery was taking place in the United States. This growing opposition was visible in the ways people were beginning to speak out against slavery through abolitionist movements, along with some aspects of the Wilmot Proviso. People’s consciences were also stirred by the novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Many people during this time span were slowly beginning to come to the understanding that slavery was morally wrong.Abolitionists such as Frederick Douglass, a former slave himself, and William Lloyd Garrison were beginning to speak out against slavery during this time period. The abolitionists of this time period, white and black, were slowly but steadily gaining support, mostly in the Northern region. In his â€Å"Declaration of Sentiments of the American Anti-Slavery Society†, Garrison stated that, â€Å"We shall organize Anti-Slavery Societies, if possible, in every city, town, and village of our land.†Other abolitionists gained attention to their cause by publishing newspapers and holding anti slavery conventions. Yet another abolitionist, Theodore Parker, published a poster one year after the Fugitive Slave Act was established, an act that declared all runaway slaves were, upon capture, to be returned to their master, that warned runaway slaves of the dangers of watchmen and police looking for them.These small acts done by the abolitionists of that time period slowly began to influence other white peoples’ views on slavery. In 1846, David Wilmot, a Democratic representative from Pennsylvania, proposed that Congress ban slavery from all lands acquired in the war with Mexico. This proposal came to be known as the Wilmot Proviso. The Wilmot Proviso, also known as the â€Å"White Man’s Proviso†, gained support by those who were anti slavery along with other Northerners who wanted to preserve the West for free labor. However, the support from the Southern slave states defeated the Wilmot proviso, leaving the decision as to whether the West should be slave territory or free land up for discussion.Eventually the doctrine of popular sovereignty was established, which decided that the people of the given territory should resolve the issue of slavery in the territory themselves by popular vote.These series of events shows not only the growing sympathy of the North towards slavery but also the unsureness of Congress whether to abolish slavery or stabilize free territory because of  the growing realization that slavery was wrong. The novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, or Life among the Lowly, also brought much attention to the anti slavery movement. The novel, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe, a Northerner who had never set foot on a plantation, told about the trials and terrors in the life of a slave on a Southern plantation.The novel sparked much support in the abolitionist movement and was accepted as truth among the Northerners. According to an advertisement from 1859 for Uncle Tom’s Cabin, it was still considered â€Å"the greatest book of the age† seven years after its publication in 1852. This tear jerking novel caused many people to come to the realization that slavery was morally wrong.Thanks to the publications, conventions, and lectures done by the abolitionists of the time, more attention was brought to the anti slavery movement, influencing many peoples’ views. The controversy over the territory gained from the American-Mexican war also showed a growing realization that slavery was wrong. The novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, also showed opposition to slavery because it was accepted as truth among the North. Although slavery was still accepted and often times welcomed during the late 1700s to mid 1800s, more people were beginning to see the immorality behind the cruel treatment of slaves.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Helping the Less Fortunate Essay

If I were a president of an organization, that made millions of dollars each year; I would create an organization within my organization that caters to the less fortunate. My organization would help to remove people off of the streets and give them a place to live, feeding the homeless in soup kitchens while passing out clothing, and also funding the education of those who cannot afford it. I believe that taking random people off of the streets and giving them a place to live is very important. As president of a million dollar a year business, I would definitely give the homeless a place to live. For example, I would send people out into the streets to search for random homeless people. I would pay for motels for a single person for a month and two for families because there are much more people to provide for. I will not just give people a place to stay; I would also find jobs for them. The jobs may be low paying, but it will help the homeless to get off of the streets. This may not help everyone, but it will take many off of the streets. Opening a soup kitchen will definitely increase my interaction with the â€Å"little people†. I think that having actual former poor people serve the poor is what will set my organization apart from others. I would do this because I know that the servers will connect with the poor on a personal and emotional level. This will ensure that the servers are very passionate about what they are doing. As president of the organization, I would also personally serve the homeless food while interacting with them to make them feel comfortable. I would ensure that they have faith that one day things will get better. Also, I would collect clothing and give to the homeless while feeding them. This will give them food on their stomach and clothes on their back. The clothes may not be in the best condition, but something is always better than nothing. My organization would also stress the importance of education. I believe that education is everything. I would ensure that everyone that enters my program have a very fortunate future. I would go into high schools and find that are below the poverty line. I will not stress the GPA of an individual. The person may have had to leave school for a period of time to help provide for his or her family. Although finding these individuals may be difficult, I am sure the process will run smoothly with the help of the school staff. I would focus on students that have the drive to want to go to college. I may be funding the education, but I will need the student’s full cooperation. The individual’s will have to provide documents proving that he or she is has little income, or receiving no income at all. My organ will provide funding for everything that an individual needs to attend college. This will include tuition, books, meal plans, housing and anything else the child needs for school. These procedures will be taken to ensure that the students have no worries while pursuing an education. It is very important to give back to the â€Å"little people†. Providing, shelter, jobs, food, clothes and education; will decrease poverty. This may not benefit the majority, but it will at least help some people out. Every homeless person that receives help counts. A million dollar a year organization would definitely remove many people at least a step away from the poverty line.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Social media as a mode of market communication in the U.K Essay

Social media as a mode of market communication in the U.K - Essay Example According to many experts, the primary difference between social media and the mainstream mass media is that in social media, anyone has the opportunity to comment on, create as well as add something to the content in form of text, images, video and communities (Skiera, 2010, p.87). With the current enormous number of users internationally, social media can be a planned marketing communication tool to service providers, including the hotel industry. Businesses take advantage of the omnipresent platform where cost is efficient to set their advertisement (Hackley, 2010, p. 318). In the current years, there has been rise of social media channels such as Facebook, You Tube, Twitter and Google which lets users to take a more dynamic role as market players and get in touch with almost every person at anyplace and anytime. This research proposal will seek to determine the role of social media in market communication in the United Kingdom. Research Objectives The primary aim of the proposed research is to establish the role of social media in market communication in the U.K. ... As a result social media has played an important role in helping marketers and corporate organizations to better understand the buying behavior of consumers, indentify their needs and consequently provide them with the right information during marketing. Another important objective is to determine how various social media platforms are currently used in market communication. In many parts of the world, users of social media platforms such as Facebook, tweeter among others have been able to create and develop networks among families, friends, celebrities and people who share different common goals and characteristics. Integrated marketing communications has provided marketers with important tools for direct marketing, public relations, personal setting as well as to enable them to communicate with their potential customer through various ways such as focused integrated messaging. Lastly, the research will also attempt to establish the challenges of using social media as a tool for mar keting. Research Questions 1. What are the key advantages of social media over the traditional media? 2. How are social media platforms such as Facebook and twitter used in marketing? 3. What are some of the contemporary challenges facing the use of social media in market communication? 4. What is the future of social media in the marketing communication? Literature review Social media play a very vital role in while enhancing an effective market communication. It has in the recent years come up with an idea of a fully integrated marketing communication system which is an approach based on branding and upgrading marketing communications where the different

Sunday, July 28, 2019

New Communication Structure for Motorola. Organizational Culture Assignment

New Communication Structure for Motorola. Organizational Culture - Assignment Example On the other hand communication internal to the communicators termed as intrapersonal communication. Accordingly, this paper emphasize on effectiveness and efficiency of interpersonal communication within the organization i.e. Motorola Telecommunication Company. This communication method will be very influential for the organization on several edges such as changing customer opinions, business dealings, maintaining long-term relationship with the clients as well as retaining harmony with the community through mass communication among others. (Hage, Aiken & Marrett, 1971). Correspondingly, this paper will entail a proposal for new communication structure for Motorola Telecommunication Company. Furthermore, effectiveness and implementation of five major concepts including active listening, organizational culture, conflict resolution, key principles of human communication, leadership strategies and formal and informal communication will be represented. New Communication Structure for Mo torola Motorola is a well-known global telecommunication organization which deals with innovative product and services. The organization is always on the cutting age of technology and relentlessly concentrating on the requirements of the customers. It is equally important to identify that the business world is rapidly changing. Therefore to maintain the sustainable growth in the market, the leaders of the Motorola need determine and develop the effective communication strategies. The development of the effective communication structure largely depends on analyzing and identifying the factors that helps to accomplish the effectiveness of the organization. Accordingly, effective communication structure will facilitate Motorola to enhance the service procedures of the organization. As a result, it will assist to achieve and maintain customer loyalties and increase the dedication of the employees (Motorola Mobility LLC., 2013). Therefore, to develop a new and effective communication str ucture, Motorola need to consider several concept of communication. Few relevant concept of communication are being represented below. Organizational Culture The culture of the organization and its impact on the performance are coherently related to each other. The organizational culture is the arrangement of different attributes that helps to create unique identity of the firm in the market. The attributes of the organizational culture are interpersonal trust, effective communication among staffs and higher authorities, information system, knowledge sharing, acquiring and providing feedback, rewarding as well as taking care of the employees through removing obstacles among others. Accordingly, setting clear organization culture facilitate in communicating the goals and objectives of the organization in most effective manner (Shahzad, Luqman, Khan, & Shabbir, 2012). Source: (Shahzad, Luqman, Khan, & Shabbir, 2012) In relation to enhance interpersonal trust, the senior managers and l eaders of the organization are widely associated with the organizational culture and norms, and therefore they will be taking responsibility to spread the suitable organizational cultures among the junior employees. The clarification of organizational rules and regulations among the juniors will promote employees committeemen towards the organization. Accordingly, the managers of the Motorola will be communicating with the employees as much as possible to increase the interpersonal trust. Besides, acquiring and providing feedback is another most important factor of developing the organizational culture. Therefore, in relation to any product and service issues the higher authority of the Motorola w

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Breakthrough of Electricity-Powered Vehicles and their Potential Essay

Breakthrough of Electricity-Powered Vehicles and their Potential Benefits - Essay Example So it must be the decision of everyone to at least consider partaking in the prevention of increasing consequences of environmental pollution that affects the local, regional, and global environment. It is in this reason that the United States should consider looking for alternatives that will totally eliminate driving fuel-based motor vehicles. Driving electric cars in the future is a good alternative due to the following economic and environmental reasons. Electric cars will decrease America’s dependence on foreign fuel â€Å"Oil is the lifeblood of modern civilization† (Pollack 278). It could not therefore be contested that America’s modern economy rely heavily on foreign fuel. However, one essential advantage in driving electric cars is to minimize the dependence of countries like the United States on countries which can produce substantial amount of oil for global consumption. Unfortunately, the impacts that electric-powered cars have to offer and all of the benefits that are derived from them are not appropriately communicated to the public. The United States is without question highly dependent on oil that has become a major source of worldwide conflict. With the utilization of the electric-powered car, countries like the United States will be able to achieve independence on imported oil. Reaching this ambition appears to be so close yet so far considering â€Å"a real, permanent solution to deal with the economic pain and strategic vulnerability inflicted on every American as a result of the collective foreign oil addiction† (Huffington Post). Purchasing oil is outrageously expensive, and the United States is already in debt with the Middle East leaving vulnerability to manipulation. The United States should not be dependent on any country, let alone the Middle East, especially not for a resource that has ultimately led to war. Electric cars using renewable energy will sort out this mess once and for all. As President Obama s tates in his speech, â€Å"our economic prosperity should not be beholden to the Middle East, or anywhere else† (Huffington Post). This addiction cannot be easily solved by turning to other countries for drilling but can be resolved by the government urging Americans to be in control of the future energy consumption. This could not be possible without the uprising usage of electric vehicles. â€Å"Using domestically-generated electricity rather than relying on foreign oil, we can achieve energy independence and will no longer need to engage in costly wars in the Middle East to secure energy supply† (Papercut Films). Electric cars will decrease emission of green house gases Every fuel-powered car releases massive amount of dangerous gases, rapidly adding to the buildup toxins in the atmosphere. Specifically, the combinations of Carbon, Nitrogen, and Sulfur Oxides, and Hydrocarbons [question: are these words capitalized?] emitted from the exhaust pipe. Besides solid evid ence, these scientific terms hold no significance, unless one is aware of the everlasting affects these gases have on the environment. In the midst of the car’s fumes merging into the air that people breathe, the destruction of the ozone layer is also intensifying, which in turn increases global warming. Inhaling Carbon Monoxide impairs the flow of oxygen to the brain, lung problems including cancer, birth defects, and ultimately can lead up to damaged

Friday, July 26, 2019

Democrats VS Republicans in Economy Research Paper - 1

Democrats VS Republicans in Economy - Research Paper Example Republicans accept free endeavor has carried investment development and developments that have made this nation extraordinary. A government might as well encourage a business environment where individuals are allowed to utilize their talents Economic Growth Democrats: Democrat Party organizations have pushed for the centralization of force in Washington D.C., with just auxiliary thought for the privileges of both people and groups. Democrats have supported elected level intercessions that displace neighborhood-based results for neighborhood issues. These strategies have made some elected regulations and controls that are frequently in the hands of unelected functionaries, making an extreme disintegration of central power. Democrats accept that the economy is excessively entangled for people to go distant from everyone else. They accept that business choices ought to be guided by government authorities and to the greatest advantage of worker's guilds. Republicans on Federal Reserve Po licies: Inflation and the Federal Reserve play an important role in administering a stable economy. Inflation lessens the acquiring force of the dollar at home and abroad and is a concealed expense on the American individuals. On the grounds that the Federal Reserve's fiscal arrangement movements influence both expansion and budgetary movement, those movements ought to be transparent. In addition, the Fed's paramount part as a moneylender of the final resort may as well additionally be completed fairly. Exemplary social order requests that there is transparency in all government matters. In this manner, it would be possible for the party to develop substantive enactment that carries the responsibility to the Federal Reserve, the Federal Open Market Committee, and the Fed's dealings with remote midway banks.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Federalist and anti Federalist debates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Federalist and anti Federalist debates - Essay Example The American Federalist proposed the Articles of Confederation, later altered and ratified on June 21, 1788 into the Constitution of the United States of America, as America’s first constitution (Rose, 2010). The Federalist Party, founded by Alexander Hamilton, became the first major political party founded in resistance to the Anti-Federalists who fought for the small national government without national debt (Rose, 2010). The debate for Federalism is whether to choose a large state that controls smaller states which allows homogeneity through separation of powers or a small state that has each power without being controlled and overruled by a central or large state (Follesdal, 2010). I believe that we are still facing some of the challenges today especially determining composition, distribution of powers and power sharing. Until this day, I think there are still challenges to boundaries of the units of each member, allocation of powers to executive, legislative and judiciary, and especially the influence each state can contribute in the central government. A famous and insightful Anti-Federalist named Robert Yates, delegate to Constitutional Convention and a New York judge, withdrew in the Convention saying that it was exceeding its powers and instructions and the Supreme Court would soon become a source of over-reaching and unlimited federal powers (Galles,

Business Plan Proposal for Devoted Medics Research

Business Plan for Devoted Medics - Research Proposal Example From this discussion it is clear that the numbers indicate a growing customer base, the volume of these calls has seriously strained the clinic due to shortage of staff members at the call center. However, the clinic cannot afford to hire additional staff, thus the only option is to improve efficiency and customer satisfaction by using modern technologies and encouraging teamwork among the clinic’s staff members.This study outlines that as a privately-owned clinic, Devoted Medics is led by a management team comprised of one physician, a nurse and a technical manager. The technical manager is in charge of the call center, where two assistants take customer requests. Currently, the call center still operates on a switchboard operator where the assistants pick the calls and ask the caller whether they are calling about an earlier issue or they are following up on an earlier issue. The assistants then forwards the call to a customer care representative who addresses the callers ne eds.  This process is very cumbersome, considering the number of calls that have to be forwarded as compared to the call center workforce. Accordingly, this calls for a more modern contact center that does not put so much pressure on the workforce, but rather encourages teamwork.  The primary goal of Devoted Medics and any other clinic for that matter is to deliver quality and coordinated health care to patients.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Way Of Narration In A Rose For Emily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Way Of Narration In A Rose For Emily - Essay Example For example, the narrator states that â€Å"We did not say she was crazy then. We believed she had to do that† (318). This was in reference to when she refused to admit that her father had died. Of course, it is likely that some people might have thought that she was, in fact, crazy, because it is unlikely that the entire town held the same opinion about this event. It would have been distracting to the story if the narrator had attempted to portray all of the feelings that of the people of the town regarding the events. This was the view that was given because it also led to the assertion that she had nothing left because her father had driven away all of her suitors. For the sake of brevity and because it let the narrator give some exposition in regards to why Emily would not have gotten married, the narrator necessarily had to be in some sense unreliable.Beyond the fact that the narrator was limited in the information that was available, the amount of information was limite d by the fact that Emily was a very secretive person, and there were long periods of time in which nobody actually got any sort of information about her. For example, the narrator states that â€Å"From that time on her front door remained closed save during a period of six or seven years, during which she gave lessons in china-painting† (320). Because she was so secretive, the narrator was forced to make more inferences in regards to Emily than would have to be made about any of the other people of the town.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Comparing Plans and Programs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparing Plans and Programs - Essay Example For benefits, one must be registered in their reporting system. It offers various health plan choices to convene beneficiary needs and offers two dental plans and other special programs. Both have similarities in their customer base. They use the same federal strategies and have similar rules.For Tricare eligibility one must be retired military and enrolled in DEERS. For CHAMPVA one cannot be retired military, and there is no DEERS enrollment (Moisoi 2010). TRICARE has no disability criteria for eligibility while CHAMPVA veterans must be fully disabled, or died while on duty. Tricare members do not receive medical services by veteran affairs doctors while CHAMPVA veterans and dependents can receive medical care through veteran affairs medical facilities. Managed care models provide quality medical services within a budget to an enrolled population. An example is the Staff Model, where physicians are salaried employees of a Health Maintenance Organization. Medical services are only open to HMO members.The physicians adopt the principles of managed care and the system tries to reinforce high quality and cost effective care with administrative supports. Procedures for implementing insurance plans include: Supervisor training that increases awareness of behavior problems and open channels of communication between staff and managers and Employee orientation that educates employees to understand their benefits and assists them in taking the first step toward benefit utilization. Utilization Review is the process of appraising the medical requirement and employment of resources for care. The principles enhance good ethical conduct, confidentiality of information and data. They ensure that members maintain a level of competency through continuing education. In the managed care referral process medical groups provide training for clinical area staff for new contracts or major changes in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Benziger Family Winery Essay Example for Free

Benziger Family Winery Essay In the case of the Benziger Family Winery, is being faced with the decision of whether or not Chris Benziger should invest in an ISO 14000 certification. The answer is yes, he should pursue the certification in an attempt to strengthen his knowledge that his company already has about being environmentally friendly. This will strengthen his position on the market as a leader in wine industry. In pursuing the certification, he will also educate other growers on the importance of a strong environmental management system. This will make them want to take those same steps to help promote their business to be more like him. By getting the ISO this will further support his environmental policy that he strongly applies to the daily routines for helping the company conserve resources and prevent pollution. He is already certified by the Sonoma County Green Business Program (SCGBP) and is in full environmental compliance. As part of this compliance, the winery has saved over 2 million gallons of water per year through recycling all wastewater. They reduced solid wastes as well as energy cost due to the construction of a wine cave built in the hillside which maintained temperature cool enough to prevent them from using electricity to cool. The Gap Analysis is the formal study behind what the business is currently doing and where they want to be in the future. This means the need for continuous improvement is necessary in promoting the best possible outcomes for the company goals. The gap analysis identifies the gaps from what the company is doing now to what they would be doing should they utilize additional resources to help improve the company’s outputs. By documenting what they have done in the past, this will show what other requirements are necessary to be put in place in an attempt to maximize the company’s capabilities. This may involve benchmarking as well. In this case the winery currently has annual revenues of about 15 million. They are striving to launch a new brand, Tribute that would be selling in the $50-$60 range at about 4000 cases per year. They would also like their exports to increase from about 10% of sales to 20%. For Benziger, this analysis can be done at an operational level since all of his employees are well-trained on the company’s environmentally friendly efforts and are shared with guests of the winery to promote the business. This is an opportunity for Benziger to bring his reputation to a high point and work towards his goal for being a world-class leader in the wine industry. Since the U.S. market is very competitive this would make him stand out since very few U.S. wineries have their ISO 14000 certification. He could enter more markets that its consumers are sensitive to environmental products and continue expanding his business to other countries. It is stated that becoming certified with the ISO 14000 is expensive. This is an investment that will pay for itself in the future. There will be revenue increases by becoming more attractive to consumers who support the environmentally safe production process. The ISO 14000 is an attempt to develop a widely accepted, uniform approach to certify that Benziger’s EMS is the best way to run a business for long term savings and making a positive contribution to the environment. In exhibit 40.4 it shows the EMS Gap Analysis and explains what policies and procedures the Benziger may or may not have in place. It explains that he does have an environmental policy in place and that he has conducted an analysis of the impact that it has on the environment. When it comes to legal requirements, they do not have a procedure in place. This is the responsibility of the Ranch manager and it has not been done yet. He has covered all of his objectives and has established a well-written program to achieve those objectives. He has very good structured within the winery and has delegated responsibilities to each of the family members as well as their other employees. However no roles have been defined and documented yet. It is also noted that there is need for additional training on EMS aspects. The Ranch manager seems to need assistance with organization of training and documentation as well. Although they are on the right track he needs to ensure that they are taking all the necessary steps to continue the company professionally and in an organized fashion. Once the ranch manager has assigned specific roles and tasks to certain team members it will not be all on him to keep the EMS running properly it will become a part of the way they do business. The last part of the Exhibit 40.4 shows some things that they need to improve on. There is no documentation for anything the company does. He needs to be able to show records of his work to be environmentally sensitive. Several of the drafts have been started but none have been completed. It also states that there needs to be a regular review ensuring that the EMS is suitable and effective. Exhibit 40.5 is the Benziger Family Winery Environmental Policy. In comparison to Exhibit 40.4, the policy states the steps they are willing to take to make sure the winery is an environmentally safe and sustainable business. However, when each of the bullets are broken down into a series of questions as they are in Exhibit 40.4, they are not satisfying all of their own expectations. It seems as though they have a few small improvements to make that seem as though are they are not too time consuming. Once each of these steps has been achieved, they are well on their way to being more successful and more organized. If the proper steps are taken to correct the small issues on-hand, the next step for the Benziger Winery is to pursue the ISO 14000 certification. This will set the bar for how other wineries should be run and help the company become one of the top U.S. wine distributors.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Human Resource Planning On General Motors Commerce Essay

Human Resource Planning On General Motors Commerce Essay This report is based on Human Resource Planning of General Motors. This study includes the brief description regarding the importance of human resource planning that aligns itself with the business strategies to gain competitive advantage. Effects of Environment in General Motors on the staff, recruiting and selecting employees, dismissal and grievance processes and overall organizational culture works with the human resource planning. This planning makes sustainable goals. In short, without human resource planning an organization cannot survive. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING INTRODUCTION: About Human Resource Planning Human resource planning is a practice by which managers of the organizations ensure that they have right number of competent, proficient and skilled employees working at specific positions at the right time. Through this planning, the organizations can avoid losses and can deal with contingencies which will eventually result in profitability (Robbins and Coulter, 2006). In other words human resource planning helps organization to hire skilled and knowledgeable employees who can meet the needs of the organization in this competitive world. It helps in assessing the current needs of the organization as well as it meets the future needs of the organization (Beauregard and Fitzgerald, 1999). Global overview on Human Resource Planning Human resource planning has enabled human resource department to align with organizations strategic goals and to achieve operational excellence. Now the organizations can also evaluate the employee performance and can deal with the employee performance issues in this dynamic market environment (Winter, 1999). By amalgamation of human resource plan with organizational goals, the organization can have a flexible, customized and integrated approach to deal with its workforce planning needs (Robert, 1997). GENERAL MOTORS Human Resource Planning The organization that has been selected for this assignment is General Motors. It is the largest automaker company in the world. It is a multinational company. It does business in more than 120 countries. GM employs 209,000 people in every major region of the world because of strategic human resource planning. GM is well aware of the environmental negative impacts so it works with the environment and makes its future plans and projects accordingly (General Motors, 2011). Human resource planning in General Motors is a much emphasized area. They hire 209,000 people in every major region of the world. General Motors hire skilled, optimistic, engaged and competent employees who share innovative ideas and produce best vehicles. Due to human resource planning it keeps assessing and evaluating the employee performance and give growth opportunities to talented employees. General Motors gives extra benefits to its employees like medical plans and investment options because it knows how to decrease the turnover ratio and keep accelerating the employees for better performance in a competitive and dynamic environment. It knows that they have right number and kind of skilled and competent employees working at right positions at right time (General Motors, 2011). Structure This assignment is divided into five parts from A to F. Section A would discuss the brief introduction of human resource planning and its global overview, section B would discuss that how human resource plan of General Motors supports organization strategic objectives, section C would define the General Motors staffing process that what should be the legal frameworks for hiring the employees, section D is about the effects of General Motors organizational environment on staff, section E would define the General Motors grievance, dismissal and discipline process and lastly section F would discuss the conclusion and final impressions based on the analysis. HR PLANS OF GENERAL MOTORS SUPPORTS ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Because of new technology and strategies the environment is becoming more competitive so the General Motors have adopted different approach from traditional human resource practices to meet the strategic goals of the organization by selling human resource services to outside clients hence generating an additional income for the organization (Phillips, 1999). (B.1) STRATEGIC SIGNIFICANCE OF CURRENT, FUTURE AND EXPECTED HR REQUIREMENTS General Motors strategic capability General Motors is one of the growing and profitable organizations in the world; its main tool for achieving long term goals is reward system that is giving incentives or bonuses to the employees. It gives growth opportunities to all the talented employees. The main business strategy for long term profitability is the development of senior executive talent. General Motors does not offer jobs, they offer career. These all human resource strategies have a major effect on individual performance and on long term profitability of an organization (Tichy, Fombrun and Devanna, 1981). Its mission is to hire the competent, skilled and empowered employees who have a clear vision and ground-breaking ideas and who remain committed to work. Employees have a career in General Motors with valuable benefits (General Motors, 2011). Putting together an HR strategy General Motors collaborate with its competitors. Collaboration is a business strategy of GM to gain competitive advantage. This cooperation is a low cost method for new companies to gain knowledge about the market and technology. Because of collaboration the companies get win-win situation. General Motors make purchases of cars and components from Koreas Daewoo. For the success of collaboration both the companies should have some valuable asset to share like development skills, basic research and so on (Hamel, Doz and Prahalad, 1988). Fuel Efficiency is another business strategy of General Motors; General Motors is trying to enhance fuel efficiency capabilities through its flex fueled cars (Norton, 2010). Cost Cutting is another business strategy of General Motors, as they are reducing its brands so it will save cost which will close the dealership and will ultimately result in cost reduction (Norton, 2010). The collaboration business strategy is followed by human resource off shoring strategy. The occurrence of off shoring, supporting benefits and joint venture agreements are associated with how investors view a company in the profitability criteria. General Motors have turned to China and India as sources of employment to supplement their full time employees in the United States. Before going for competitive collaboration with other companies the organization must have an off shoring strategy (David, 2009). The fuel efficiency strategy is followed by High Performance Work System strategy of human resource department. The main focus of High Performance Work System is on the organizing work so that all the employees can participate effectively in decision making which affects on the daily operations of the organization (Azrul, 2011). The workers can make their own decisions to accomplish their goal, which is the basic par of High Performance Work System the use of technology is another component of High Performance Work System (Azrul, 2011). For cost cutting business strategy the human resource department following strategy is redundancy. If a manager of the company feels that cutback of an employee is necessary so he will straight away contact human resource department (Charles, 2001). General Motors used to have 22 layers of management but later on they learned to reduce the hierarchy levels of management and started promoting team work. Hiring and sourcing decisions are made by teams and the classification of jobs of GM has been reduced from 18 to 7 and workers are responsible for their own training (Swart, Mann and Price, 2005). Strategic importance of HR requirements Current HR requirements of General Motors are to reduce the dealerships because it has too large dealership network that is causing obstacles in its viability. In this way GM will be able to retain higher sales and service staff. GM present goals are as follows, To enable the automakers and subsidies to develop competitive business that can decrease the adverse effects on the environment. To increase the capability of the auto makers and subsidies to use efficient, aggressive and updated technology for producing vehicles. To reshape and resize the dealership network. To recruit the best talent. To staff employees who can participate in product development and in increasing market share by using their competent skill (Barofsky, 2010). Future HR requirements of General Motors are to stimulate sales by the use of diversified workers who can incorporate new technology, skills and ideas in this competitive world. General motors have always aligned its business strategies with the human resource strategies in order to be competent in this dynamic environment (Brockbank, 1999). In addition GM also focus on compensation strategy to motivate the workers and it will increase it sales by hiring competent workers (Muczyk, 1988). (B.2) HR PLANNING IMPACTS ON STRATEFIC PLANS General Motors business plan GM plan is to make innovation style vehicle with top quality and fuel efficiency features. They carry out environmental friendly practices. GM by reconstructing and strengthening wants to expand in order to share their new and better General Motors not only in U.S but throughout the world (Norton, 2010). General Motors HR planning process Demand forecasting in General Motors works for product diversity and design efficiency which leads it to hold a strong position in market. It works in cooperation according to the demand of the people (Norton, 1997). Supply forecasting is very important. General Motors may also hold back by its suppliers. In 1194 General Motors lost almost two months production of Buick Roadmaster because of late supply of doors and ashtrays (Cachon and Lariviere, 2001). For Internal movements the managers of General Motors must recruit, hire, train, motivate and organize employees, and in the same way they should acquire and organize material resources for the manufacture of its cars and trucks. General Motors must beat back its competitors by marketing its vehicles. GM increases productivity by giving rewards to the workers (Simons, 1981). General Motors components of HR plan Training plans are provided by General Motors to their employees to boost their career and make them able to meet international flexibility (General Motors, 2011). Growth plans at GM for talented, competent and skilled workers are as wide as the world.  It gives the career exposure to the employees and takes them to next gear (General Motors, 2011). Rewarding plans are on high scale in GM, along with the salary the employees will also get medical facilities as well as investment options (General Motors, 2011). Promotional plans at GM includes disability benefits, life insurance of employees, it offers paid holidays annually, GM employees and their direct family members can purchase GM vehicles at a significant discount (General Motors, 2011). Employee utilization plan at GM gives employees more responsibility and authority to make decisions and accomplish their goals accordingly and then hold them responsible (General Motors, 2011). Impact of HR plan on strategic plan High performance work system is a flexible and team based system, General Motors have work teams and performance based wages system (Rouse, 2000). By recruiting the talented and operative employees the General Motors can boost its productivity and profitability and can achieve its long term goals (Azrul, 2011). The compensation strategy that is giving rewards to the employees based on their job performance also helps organization to achieve long term goals (Muczyk, 1988). ORGANIZATIONAL AND LEGAL FRAMEWORKS FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF STAFF (C.1) CURRENT LEGAL REQUIREMENTS INFUENCING HR PLAN Fairness in recruitment and hiring General Motors recruits on the basis of an employees own self interest area. At GM they are interested in an individual abilities and skills. They assess in a fair and accurate way each and every quality of an applicant in relation with the demands of the post. General Motors follows a behavioral based interview process, they evaluate the personal and professional competencies that individual possess which can be the success factor the open position (General Motors, 2011). Fairness and protection during employment GM is committed to creating a diverse workplace. They have a policy on equal employment opportunity and harassment. Harassment based on age factor, cast, ethnicity, color, gender, disability, gender identity/expression is a violation of this policy. Harassment is an offensive act which is strictly prohibited (General Motors, 2011). Leaving the organization In 2009, General Motors needed to re size the organization therefore dismissed the employees and decided to eliminate 10,000 salaried employees. It employed 243,000 salaried and hourly workers at the end of 2008 but in 2009 it plans to cut about 47,000 salaried and hourly jobs worldwide (LaReau, 2009). (C.2) RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OF NEW STAFF Legal and organizational requirements Organizations must hire right ones and reject wrong ones. As employees are the asset so you must choose asset rather than liability (Hacker, 1997). The organizations must have proper procedures for attracting the employees. Recruitment is about future predictions so while recruiting the company should hire a person whose interest and goals can be aligned with organization goals (Bach, 2005). Recruitment process Planning how to find and attract candidates- recruitment is the process of hiring those people who can contribute to the organizational goals. First review of a company is necessary then analyzes the requirements. It is necessary for choosing the assets and differentiating the right fit and wrong fit. Attract candidates by giving job requirements plus benefits (Bach, 2005). Defining requirements- it is necessary to define the requirements for job that what skills, knowledge, abilities, input, desired output and job context is needed (Bach, 2005). Job description, person specifications and competencies- the next stage is job description which defines what is the job, purpose of job, what tasks are to be done, standards, duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships. It is all about the job itself. Then next stage is to examine a person specification that is the worker psychological characteristics (Bach, 2005). Advertising the vacancy- the next step is to advertise the vacancy, this is a very creative task and needs lot of skills therefore many companies do outsourcing (give advertising work to advertise agencies). Newspaper, radio, television and e-advertising are the common sources (Bach, 2005). General Motors uses its own website for recruitment (General Motors, 2011). Reviewing the effectiveness of recruitment- at the end the HR department evaluates the effectiveness of recruitment method by the response of individuals (Bach, 2005). Selection process Sifting candidates- after recruitment the employer will filter the candidates who best matches with the job requirement (Bach, 2005). Short-listing candidates- in this step employer choose the candidates who are reliable and competent (Bach, 2005). Selection, interviewing and testing- many candidates are selected on the basis of their CVs, their past experiences and achievements (Wingrove et al., 1984). Interviewing is done which is not a reliable method because some time the interviewer and interviewee views regarding jobs may differ (Bach, 2005). Contract of employment- this contract is made between an organization and candidate. It includes job specifications, salary, benefits, time duration, working hours and other details (Bach, 2005). Inducting new employees- the final step is of introducing the new worker to the organization (Bach, 2005). GM ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECT ON STAFF (D.1) GM CULTURAL EFFECTS ON RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION OF STAFF Organizational culture The concept of organization culture is becoming common everywhere and its gaining attention from the practitioners and intellectual bodies (Schein and H., 1990) Effect of organization culture on recruitment General Motors culture is innovative and while recruiting innovation attracts people. At GM employees are encouraged to experiment and rewarded for experimenting new products in the market place (Rao, 2010). Effect of organization culture on retention In 1950 general Motors was operating plant in Fremont, California where Chevrolet car was assembled. At that time General Motors declared to leave the United Auto Workers in the upper Middle West and it will not be dealing with them by moving to west. This statement caused the conflicts in the corporation, thus in 1982 the plant was running at disastrous low level, 5000 complaints were filled every year, 21 daily and more than 2000 complaints were unresolved. Due to poor productivity GM collaborated with Toyota and in 1985 they opened plant again and this time due to change in organizational culture only 2 complaints were filled and resolved. The plant was generating profits because of quality, efficiency, productivity, team work and employees decision making authority and none employee left the job (Cameron and Quinn, 1999). (D.2) ASSESSMENT OF WORK LIFE BALANCES ISSUES AND THE CHANGING PATERNS OF WORK BEHAVIOUR Work life balance issues Flexible workers report low levels of stress and thus increase productivity (Eaton, 2003). Workers who take family tension along with work do not perform well and in the case of downsizing they are demoralized (Vries and Balazs, 1997). Changing work practices Firms that are flexible and allow the employees working from home have good work life balance. The firms that are family friendly who allows employees to take time off for children are highly productive. The companies should be friendly practiced, should give time off for the children, job switching should not be an issue and should give time to relax (Bloom, Reenan and Kretschmer, 2009). GRIEVANCE, DISCIPLINE AND DISMISSAL PROCESS (E.1) PROCESS FOLLOWED IN GRIEVANCE SITUATION Employee informs grievance- complain is regarding work place problems and neglected staff. Informal discussion- the employees is called for the meeting with the manager and manager asks questions what went wrong, what is the matter. In case of harassment the form is filled and sent to the vice chancellor. Investigating the grievance- company investigates what went wrong and ask the employees. Making a decision-if the vice chancellor identifies that the objection is frolicsome or out of time so he will stop further process. Normally review is made before 2 months. Offering the right to appeal- the complainant may appeal. ( Thomas, 2001) (E.2) STAGES OF DISCIPLINE ISSUES RESULT IN DISMISSAL Dismissal- the employer dismisses the employees for bad conduct, improper work and inefficiency. Investigation- the investigation is carried out by HR department that what went wrong, ask questions from other employees. Meeting- a meeting is settled where employee has to answer. Decision- the decision is taken whether to fire or not. Right to appeal- the employee can appeal for the right decision (Thomas, 2001). (E.3) ROLE OF ACAS Role of ACAS in grievance, discipline and dismissal process ACAS provides practical guidance to employers, workers and their representatives on: requirements relating to disciplinary and grievance issues; what constitutes reasonable behavior when dealing with disciplinary and grievance issues; Producing and using disciplinary and grievance procedures; and A workers right to bring an attendant to grievance and disciplinary hearings (ACAS R, 2006). Role of employment tribunals in grievance, discipline and dismissal process In 2001, the government launched the consultation document Routes to Resolution its goal were a high skills and high productive economy, the fundamental principles of access to justice, fair and competent tribunals and a modern, user-friendly public service. It talks about the right of the individual and resolves dispute between employer and employee (ACAS, 2006). Role of other external agencies in grievance, discipline and dismissal process The Equality and Human Rights Commission works with organizations in the public, private and voluntary sectors to diminish discrimination and promote equal opportunities for all employees, customers and the users of services. Healthy and safety executive concerned with the employees safe conditions at work. CONCLUSION This research defines the human resource planning and the processes involved in it. General Motors is a multinational company which is ranked among 10 profitable countries. Human resource planning is essential because it deals with the business strategies and helps companies to attain long term goals. Through human resource planning General Motors can align its business strategies with human resource strategies. It gives complete structure of staffing and hiring and issues related to jobs.

Entrepreneurship And Its Wide Range Of Meanings Commerce Essay

Entrepreneurship And Its Wide Range Of Meanings Commerce Essay Entrepreneurship has a wide range of meanings. On the other hand an entrepreneur is a person who has a very high aptitude who pioneers change, possessing characteristics found in only a very small fraction of the population. Other definition, anyone who wants to work him or herself is considered to be an entrepreneur. The word entrepreneur is originated from the French entreprendre, which means to undertake. In business context, it means to start a business. The dictionary presents the definition of an entrepreneur as who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. In the Schumpeters view of entrepreneurship who is an Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeters definition of entrepreneurship places an emphasis on innovation as the new product, new production methods, new markets, new forms of organization. Furthermore, wealth is created when such innovation result in new demand. From his point of view, One can define the function of the entrepreneur as one of combining various input factors in an innovative manner to generate the value of customer with the home that this value will exceed the cost of the input factors, thus it can generate the superior returns that result in the creation of wealth. In the context of, Entrepreneurship vs. Small business many people use the terms entrepreneur and small business owner synonymously. While they may have much in common, there are significant differences between the entrepreneurial venture and the small business. Entrepreneurial ventures are different from small businesses in these ways such as the Amount of wealth creation  which means, rather than simply generating an income stream that replaces traditional employment, a successful entrepreneurial venture creates substantial wealth, typically in excess of several million dollars of profit. Speed of wealth creation  which means, while a successful small business can generate several million dollars of profit over a lifetime, entrepreneurial wealth creation often is rapid, for example, within 5 years. Risk  which means, the risk of an entrepreneurial venture must be high or otherwise, with the incentive of sure profits many entrepreneurs would be pursuing the idea and the opport unity no longer would exist. Innovation which means entrepreneurship often involves substantial innovation beyond what a small business might exhibit. This innovation gives the venture the competitive advantage that results in wealth creation. The innovation may be in the product or service itself, or in the business processes used to deliver it. Background of the study / Problem statement. In discussing the challenges that entrepreneur face in this 21 st century, it is more helpful to divide them according to their age category or enterprise status. There are divided to 3 categories which is pre-entrepreneurs. This means, this being a probationer or transitional stage, the key challenge facing pre-entrepreneurs who are just starting out in life on their own is choosing what they want to do. White and Kenyon (2000) as warn that there is a danger in selling enterprise as the best option for everyone and forgetting that successful enterprise development begins with the initiative coming from young people themselves especially. Besides that, the challenges in facing the pre-entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs among them are the promotion of awareness of various career options and possibilities to start up a business. Young entrepreneurs especially womens in this category largely require awareness and understanding of what an enterprise is and what it takes to own and manage a business so that they can consider themselves as self-employment as a career option. As an entrepreneur they should decide whether explore further, or to start their own business, the second step is the provision of practical support services such as training, advice, access to finance. To start up a business for pre-entrepreneur it is likely to involve the few stages like, the Formative Stage which means, it is related to the various factors including environmental factors that can also influence the development to become an entrepreneur. At this stage, it is important to encourage young entrepreneur to acquire appropriate entrepreneurial skills, motivations, attitudes, attributes, behaviors, and values. Second stage is the, the Developmental Stage, which it is related more specific learning and targeted skill development that would prepare an individual to move to start-up a business venture. These are learning skills and strategic skills. Learning skills it is related to the ability of a person to acquire information, knowledge, and experience from the world around them that is relevant to their entrepreneurial success. And strategic skills relates to how a person sees the world around them, envisions what is desirable, and identifies entrepreneurial opportunitie s in the world around them. And the third stage is the Start-up Stage. In this stage it refers to the specific skills that are relevant for a successful entrepreneur who is looking to advance an entrepreneurial venture to a period of growth and expansion. These are tactical skills for start-up. Tactical skills are important to conceptualizing a business, developing a business plan and establishing a business. The start-up stage also requires access to credit or finance for youth entrepreneurs. Besides that there is also few types of entrepreneurs which is the Budding entrepreneurs. These is for the young people who are just starting to run their own business. The challenge facing these young person is to increase the rate of survival and success in new businesses .This also means that budding entrepreneurs have a different set of needs from those of pre-entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs. They also need to manage the expansion of their businesses, and this make theier needs are largely revolve around by learning and knowing the ,Tactical skills for Growth, these are skills that are important to move a business into a period of growth. They include business management, management of business finances, time management, stress management , improving sales, managing and reducing costs , marketing, recruitment by able to employ the right person at the right place, and risk management. Next is the Emergent entrepreneur, where the needs of emergent entrepreneurs who are aged 26 years and above and different from those of lower categories of youth proprietors. Many of the emergent entrepreneurs, especially those operating in low income markets, are likely to be running enterprises that are not growing, with only very few graduating to the formal sector. The major challenge facing these young adults is to transform their small business into commercial and competitive businesses. By doing that, they need to have few skill which involve the Tactical skills for Growth and transformation. By using these skills it recognizes the certain skills which are important for the entrepreneur to have, while others can employ. From the survey, I have found that these skills can be divided into two which is the skills one should have where it involves the interpersonal and team building and also involve leadership. Next is the skills one can employ, means is is more to specialized marketing, record keeping, and information management. Research objectives / Scope of studies. From the research that we are finding which is on the Challenges of Women Entrepreneurs in Malaysia, is that we have found that in the 16 countries in Malaysia, most of the women entrepreneur came up from their own family business, where they took over from their parents or family. Some of the women entrepreneur also came up by doing small business like becoming a florist, bakery shops, and so on. Most of the entrepreneurs are educated and some are average having a SPM cert. Some women came up by having degree in Entrepreneurship progrmmes by scoring well and they somehow learnt about business by education. Compare to men, the challenges for women to come up as an entrepreneur is very hard because of many factors. For example, they family itself, they dun give support to them to open up a business and if it is a man the family would always give them way because he is man and they are the lead of the family. Whereas, women are mostly known as housewife in Malaysia. To become and entre preneur financial crisis might also occurs when a person dont have a business or any income background before for them to apply a loan in bank and so on. It is hard for them to start up a business without any modal in their hands. And next is, some womens who comes from an average family at times are lack with useful information to start up a business and how to manage a business. This could also be a challenge for them to try in a business. Some womans are also weak, by making a decision where before this they are more dependent to their husbands and it is hard for them now to make a decision in a big matters like bringing up the business to a level higher than before and so on. To examine these problems, research can be conducted by researches to find out the factors that are holding back the woman to becoming successful entrepreneurs. For example, the factors as said above it could be family factors or back ground, education level, and level of information about opening up a business for their future benefit. And it could also be , where women are afraid to make a decision in a matter or either they are not the risk taking persons. And the culture of certain individual could also be the factors. To identify the culture factors, we can see it in the Indian family especially, where some of the parents dont like the girls in the family doing big jobs like taking care of the shops or either they sometimes get married in the early age. This matter always happens in the low average family, this could also be the challenges or factors affecting the Malaysia entrepreneurs. Some of the woman is affected by the inner value of them also, where it is in born with them since small where the soft side of the women . For example, if there is a problem or issue occurs in a business, they dont know how to habdle it and they might give up easily without even making or coming up with a concrete reasons or decisions. To overcome all this problems , womens should start to learnt the meaning of business by starting or trying to start with small business like selling groceries, flowers, tit bits, cloths and so on. By learning with the small business, they could learnt about business how it works and when there is a problem occurs they know how to faced it. Some womens who are knowledgeable in this filed they some came up very fast for example there is few women entrepreneurs of small business nowadays. This could motivate many others to become an entrepreneurs.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Literary approaches :: essays research papers

Literature †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Choose six of the following approaches and find one article for each approach. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Writing:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One page per article   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2 pgs summary Critical approaches important in the study of literature: MORAL/INTELLECTUAL †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Concerned with content and values †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Used not only to discover meaning, but also to determine whether works of literature are both true and significant. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To study lit from this perspective is to determine whether a work conveys a lesson or a message and whether it can help readers lead better lives and improve their understanding of the world. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Answer these questions:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What ideas does the work contain?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How strongly does the work bring forth its ideas?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  What application do the ideas have to the work’s characters and situations?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How may the ideas be evaluated intellectually? Morally? TOPICAL/HISTORICAL †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stresses the relationship of lit to its historical period †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Investigates relationships of this sort, including the elucidation of words and concepts that today’s readers may not immediately understand. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Common criticism is that in the extreme, it deals with background knowledge rather than with lit itself. NEW CRITICAL/FORMALIST †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Focuses on literary texts as formal works of art, and for this reason it can be seen as a reaction against the topical/historical approach. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Most brilliant in the formal analysis of smaller units such as poems and short passages. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Discussions of point of view, tone, plot, character, and structure are formal ways of looking at lit from this point of view. STRUCTURALIST †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stems from the attempt to find relationships and connections among elements that appear to be separate and discrete. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attempts to discover the forms unifying all lit †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Important because it enables critics to discuss works from widely disparate cultures and historical periods. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Furnishes an ideal approach for comparative lit and the method also enables critics to consolidate genres such as modern romances, detective tales, soap operas and film. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Best in the analysis of narratives and larger units. FEMINIST †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Holds that most of lit presents a masculine/patriarchal view in which the role of women is negated or at best minimized. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seeks to raise consciousness about the importance and unique nature of women in lit. ECONOMIC DETERMINIST/MARXIST †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Features individuals in the grips of the class struggle. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Often called proletarian lit †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emphasizes persons of the lower class – the poor and oppressed who spend their lives in endless drudgery and misery, and whose attempts to rise above their disadvantages usually result in renewed suppression. PSYCHOLOGICAL/PSYCHOANALYTIC †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Provided a new key to the understanding of character by claiming that behavior is caused by hidden unconscious motives. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Treat lit somewhat like information about patients in therapy. ARCHETYPAL/SYMBOLIC/MYTHIC †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Presupposes that human life is built up out of patterns, or archetypes, that are similar throughout various cultures and historical times.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Collective Bargaining and Labour Market Outcomes for Canadian Working W

Collective Bargaining and Labour Market Outcomes for Canadian Working Women I  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  INTRODUCTION: UNIONS, LOW PAY, AND EARNINGS INEQUALITY The major purposes of this paper are, first, to examine the impacts of collective bargaining on labour market outcomes for women workers in Canada, specifically with respect to pay, benefits coverage, the incidence of low pay and the extent of earnings inequality, and, second, to suggest ways in which positive impacts could be extended via the expansion of collective bargaining coverage. This part of the paper briefly reviews the literature on the impacts of collective bargaining on earnings, low pay, and earnings inequality, and Part II provides some background description of the labour market position of Canadian working women. Particular attention is paid to the situation of the majority of women who continue to work in lower paid, often insecure and part-time, clerical, sales, and service jobs. The central conclusion of the empirical analysis in Part III, mainly based on data from Statistics Canada's 1995 Survey of Working Arrangements, is that collective bargaining coverage, con trolling for other factors, has significant positive impacts in terms of raising pay and access to benefits, and in terms of reducing the incidence of low pay among women workers. However, the level of collective bargaining coverage for women is very low in precisely those sectors of the economy where women in low paid and insecure jobs are most concentrated, namely in private services and in smaller enterprises. Promoting better labour market outcomes for women workers accordingly requires a major extension of collective bargaining. Part IV of the paper briefly considers ways in which this could be achieved through trade union action and through changes to public policy. The 1996 OECD Employment Outlook comprehensively documented profound differences in the degree of earnings inequality and the incidence of low pay in the advanced industrial countries, noting that these two labour market characteristics are closely related in that "the incidence of low pay tends to be highest in those countries where earnings inequality is the most pronounced." While there is significant variation between countries, a generalized pattern is that continental European countries, particularly in Northern Europe, have a strikingly more equal distributio... ...omen in non-unionized jobs, while for men, the wage difference was about $4.50 - or 24 per cent. The wage premium associated with unionization is shown for selected subgroups of women and men in Table 3. It is notable that the apparent union wage premium tends to be higher for less educated workers, though this is more clearly the case for men than for women. This is consistent with the fact that managerial and professional occupations in the private sector have very low rates of unionization. Table 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Average Hourly Wages of Women and Men, by Unionization and Selected Characteristics, Canada 1995   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   WOMEN  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   MEN  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Union  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Non-Union  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Union Premium"  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Union  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Non-Union  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   "Union Premium" All Age 15 to 24 Age 25 to 44 Age 45 to 69 Less than high school High school grad. Certificate/Diploma University degree Full-time Part-time Managerial/Admin. Professional Clerical Sales Services Blue Collar Firm size less than 20 Firm size 20 to 99 Firm size 100 to 500 Firm size + 500   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   16.68 11.23 16.92 17.37 12.16 14.60 16.56 21.38 16.90 15.95 18.59 19.49 14.47

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Booker T. Washingtons Up from Slavery Essay -- Up from Slavery

The book, Up From Slavery, written by Booker Taliaferro Washington, profoundly touched me when I read it. Washington overcame many obstacles throughout his life. He became perhaps the most prominent black leader of his time. Booker T. Washington belived that African Americans could gain equality by improving their economic situation through education rather than by demanding equal rights. Washington’s life story was told during the mid to late 1800’s into the early 1900’s, in the time when the Emancipation Proclamation had gone into effect. The Emancipation Proclamation was one major event in history that forever changed our country. All slaves were free and had to go find a new place to live and a new place to work. When the slaves were first freed there was alot ofhostile feelings from the whites towards the newly freed slaves. To blacks living within post- Reconstruction South, Washington offered industrial education as the means of escape from sharecropping and allowed blacks to become self-employed, while owning their own land, or small business. Booker over came the obstacles of the free black man by educating himself and other blacks to become â€Å"equal† to whites. Until the start of World War I African Americans had a difficult time. His speaking tours and private persuasion tried to equalize public educational opportunities and to reduce racial violence. There were many gains earned after the Civil War seemed lost by the time of World War I because racial violence and lynching reached an all time high. However, both the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the National Urban League (NUL) were founded by blacks and whites during this time. Both of these major civil rights organizations make efforts on the part of blacks and their white allies to insure that the United States provides "freedom and justice to all". The year of Washington's death marked the beginning of the Great Migration from the rural South to the urban North. He is known as one of the best civil rights leaders for the African American people in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Booker began his life as a slave for the Burroughs family. He was born in Franklin Co., Virginia around the year 1858 or 1859, he was not sure exactly when he was born because there was never any paper work kept on slaves. His mo... be equally educated. His speeches not only attracted the black people but also, northern and southern white people. Booker worked hard for all that he achieved during his life time. People all over were followers of Booker T. Washington. One example of how much these followers appreciated Washington is through raising money for a trip to Europe. Not just anyone went to Europe in those days. The trip showed how much the people appreciated Booker’s efforts for civil rights and education of blacks. They sent him and his wife away for three months of strictly relaxation. I believe that this is a very inspirational book giving the message â€Å"you can do anything if you put your mind to it†. Booker shows his reader this through all the things he does in his life time. This book was a very enjoyable book to read. I would highly recommend all people to read Up From Slavery to see the impact Booker T. Washington had on the African American civil rights that are present in the United States today. I believe that Up From Slavery showed how blacks improved their economic situation through gaining education. Bibliography: Up From Slavery by Booker T. Washington

Explain How the Procedures of the Work Setting Protect

Explain how the procedures of the work setting protect both children and young people and practitioners. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. An example of this would be the policies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicine. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to as the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors.The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount. If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child be comes seriously ill. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. Associated essay: Procedures For Infection ControlAn example of this would be the policies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicine. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to as the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors. The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount.If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child becomes seriously ill. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. An example of this would be the po licies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicine. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to s the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors. The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount.If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child becomes seriously ill. Not only do Gap Club’s procedures protect the children who attend the club but they also protect the staff too. An example of this would be the policies and procedures relating to the receipt, storage and administration of medicin e. All staff at Gap know that this should be strictly adhered to as the aim of the policy is to protect us and the children against medication errors.The dose and frequency of a child’s medication should be very clearly stated and must always be followed exactly, this is because there is considerable risk of harming a child if they are given medication that has not been prescribed to them or if the medication they do need is given to them at the wrong time or in the wrong amount. If a member of staff were to issue a child with incorrect medicine then they could well face losing their job or end up entering a lawsuit, especially if a child becomes seriously ill.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Nuclear Technology and Countries of the Persian Gulf Essay

nuclear competency has been drill widely only for thirty days . In sixtieth it was an exotic etymon of strength, researched by scientists, and widely discussed in press. Nowadays, as Ilan Lipper & Jon rock and roll express in their phrase astir(predicate) atomic creators and society, it is the second largest life force beginning in the U. S. at that place argon more than 110 thermo thermo atomic plants end-to-end the U. S, and they produce more slide fastener than hydro ability, anele or gas, researchers write. For the U. S atomic verve became a crummy and relatively prophylactic source of zero, and umpteen countries decided to e precisewherehear Ameri washbowl experience in this field. nowadays around European and Asian countries take a shit thermo thermo atomic plants that provide them with energy. Nevertheless, a research emerges which is whether it is skillful to grant glide slope to nuclear spots to countries of the Iranian disconnection, e quivalent Iran, who ar know for being aggressive and searching for the performer to get limbs. Politicians and usual concourse in on the whole over the world be discussing this question. Their master(prenominal) affrights are that nuclear force in wrong hands may be transformed into weapon, and thus harm the environmental science severely. Discussions take place all over the world about the visit of nuclear ability plants on the bionomics.Some scan that they are non safe, even when nuclear actors are usaged only as a source of energy, and not as a weapon. The thing is that nuclear power plants use radioactive materials like uracil and plutonium to produce energy, and there are ototoxic wastes left, the authors of encyclopedia entry on renewable energy source on NationMaster, a large statistical info source claim. They add that the results of i portentous radiation leakage accident on Yucca Mountain were disastrous so hatful should be really very wakeful w hen using nuclear energy as the source of electrical energy.In the very(prenominal) meter, Ilan Lipper & Jon Stone examine that the dangers of using nuclear power are overestimated. They state that unlike the wastes that roost after burn of coal, which stay toxic forever, nuclear wastes toxicity reduces with to each one head day, as its elements are not stable. They prove that the amount of toxic wastes thrown into the diffuse each year is less in the countries where nuclear plants are the main source of electrical energy, than in the countries where there are hardly a(prenominal) or no nuclear plants.It is distinctly seen that nuclear power is a very efficacious source of energy, and the damage it does to ecology in normal conditions is less than that of burning coal, or some other means of getting electricity. Nevertheless piece incidentor should not be forgotten. One adept human mistake is enough to let the effective and relatively safe nuclear power plump to di sastrous consequences. In consequence an uncontrollable chain reaction emerges on the nuclear power plant, thousands of acres of lands and thousands of wads of water would be polluted, and the health of thousands of plenty would be damaged.The problem with nuclear power is that it is too powerful. When employ correctly it can let governments save billions of dollars, as the energy produced by nuclear power plants is relatively dirt cheap, and protect the environment from negative influence of toxic wastes other methods of getting electricity produce, but one mistake with nuclear power can lead to maverick and very serious consequences. Another serious problem with using nuclear power for producing energy is that the elements used for it can similarly be used for creating nuclear weapon. humanity beings bring forth always been at contend with each other, and since prehistoric multiplication they have been inventing more and more accomplished methods of murdering each other. On the present moment nuclear weapon is one of the most effective ones, along with bacteriological weapon. Nuclear weapon was used only two times in history, on Japanese cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. It beatinged all the dwellers of these cities, and polluted the area so that tribe could not detain there. more than than sixty years passed, and still no one lives in these places. The consequences of using nuclear weapon were so disastrous and inhumane that humans finally understood they had to stop. closely countries signed various agreements stating that they would not use and produce nuclear weapons. Still many countries have nuclear powers, either formally on non-officially, but no one comes to the scratch to use them. Everyone understands that the first bomb dropped leave became the end of the world we all live in.Nuclear weapon is so powerful that dozen bombs dropped can slaughter several millions of population, depending on bombs sizes. The country which becam e the tail end of the nuclear attack get out compress back with nuclear weapon murdering plenty and making land unfit to live on. That is why the issue of giving nuclear power to aggressive countries like those of the Persian Gulf is so debatable. The leaders of these countries state they fatality nuclear power in ordain to make the life of their battalion better, enhance their economy and protect ecology.For example, Iranian scientists prove that the inunct and gas resources Iran has are not enough for meeting the countries necessity of electricity, as the plants that recycle them to get electricity are out dated, with tons of equipment broken. The article published in Herald Tribune states that the get on electricity is getting bigger with each passing year, and using non-renewable resources like oil colour for satisfying it is not keen, and, moreover, hard for the countrys ecology. They add that 57 of 60 oil fields need major repairs and modernization in order to pr oduce enough oil to satisfy the command in electricity.In customary their viewpoint is easy to understand, as they compliments to use the cheap and relatively safe method of getting electricity most European and American countries use. In the same time Iranian aggressive government activity towards other countries makes everyone suspect that they can use nuclear powers in purposes other than producing electricity. Giacomo Luciani, the conductor of Gulf Research Center, states in his article The Gulf Countries and Nuclear Energy that the resources of oil are scarce in Bahrain, capital of Kuwait and Oman. He proves that soon there will not be enough of oil there to satisfy the existing demand in electricity.He adds that the restrictions USA and its assort impose on Persian Gulf countries in the issue of nuclear energy put their industries from adequate development. Luciani reminds that there are some industries within these countries, like atomic number 13 smelting and water des alination that are of life-or-death importance to this field, and to other countries. His viewpoint is that abandoned that Persian Gulf countries are bit by bit becoming industrial ones it is not rational to deprive them of the means to get cheap electricity, which is essential for all industrial fields.The delineate to success is exactly in viewing nuclear technology as an frugal, not a political or shelter choice. says Luciani. Nevertheless, minded(p) the political situation in this region the question of granting access to nuclear power cannot be viewed as an economic issue only. Some of the leaders of these countries are too ambitious to be at ease with current situation. Of course most people who vote for creating nuclear power plants in Iran, Dahrain and other countries of this region in fact want to provide electricity. Their goal is to assistance develop industry in this region, in order to provide well-being to its dwellers. meantime one person in power who des ires control would be enough to hold nuclear power plants to security threat. There are no warranties that the leaders of these countries will not be able to access nuclear power plants, as their powers in their countries are almost unlimited. In addition, terroristic groups operate in Persian Gulf region should not be forgotten. Terrorists are people who are ready for anything to reach their goals murdering thousands of people is not an ethical problem for them again, there is no warranty they will not be able to access elements used for nuclear reactions on plants producing electricity.Nuclear energy is a relatively safe and cheap source of electricity nowadays. Most American and European countries use it. Some economists see nuclear plants as a everyday solution for satisfying the demand in electricity. Meanwhile there are aspects about nuclear energy that have to be considered when using it. Using nuclear power may be tremendous, as an uncontrollable chain reaction may occur , and lead to nuclear explosion. In the same time the danger exists that nuclear powers may be used to create nuclear weapons.This fear is one of the main obstacles for giving Iran and other countries of the Persian Gulf access to nuclear powers. Researchers prove it would be beneficial for their economy, but, given the current political situation in that region, the decision cannot be the purely sparing one. At the moment giving nuclear powers to Persian Gulf countries is too dangerous for the well-being of all the people in the world. References 1. Lipper, I. , Stone, J. (1998). Nuclear Energy & troupe. Earth and Society Interaction Project. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from http//www. umich. edu/gs265/society/nuclear. htm2. Luciani, G. (2007). The Gulf Countries and Nuclear Energy. Gulf Monitor, 6(20-23). Retrieved January 3, 2008 from http//www. grc. ae/data/contents/uploads/Gulf_Monitor_no_6_3450. pdf 3. renewable Energy Source. (2005). Nation Master Encyclopedia. Retrieved Janu ary 3, 2008 from http//www. nationmaster. com/encyclopedia/Renewable-energy-sourceIs_nuclear_energy_renewable. 3F 4. Sahimi, M. , Mojtahed-Zadeh, P. , Afrasiabi, K. L. (2003, October 14). Energy Iran needs nuclear power. internationalistic Herald Tribune. Retrieved January 3, 2008 from http//www. iht. com/articles/2003/10/14/edsahimi_ed3_. php

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

I Am a Filipino, a Proud One Essay

Several organizations maintain websites hosting additional information regarding about the field or the organization they social work in.Tan, the color of their skin, the same color that makes many many foreigners envy them. They have late rich black hair that financial flows naturally. Twinkling eyes some have deep black ones, some have hazel brown. They have such lovable characteristics.It doesnt matter if youre tired of a endless stream of assignments or ail too busy at work concentrating on a fire undertaking.There what are lots of traits of the Filipinos how that are to be proud of. wired And I am one of them, one of the â€Å"They†. I am a Filipino, a proud one. And you, I suppose, are one too.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

The Meaning of Beauty

The centre of smash piecehood vs. charr From the inception we argon taught that theology created macrocosm, and from public he created fair sex. Its expositicular(a) how diametric a cosmoss positionings nates be comp atomic number 18d to a c tilted charrhoods, considering the wo mankind was created from the man. Their contemplates on knockout, amongst separate subjects, manifest to be a undefiled compositors case of this. Centuries past the Greeks antecedent saw Beauty as a law A figure of h starsty (Sontag 117). objet dart this is solace a divided view amidst work force and wo man spot to twenty-four hour period, they shargon antithetic views on how this virtuousness is achieved.Both hands and wo workforce represent that p from sever onlyy angiotensin-converting enzyme has cardinal parts, versed and foreign(a) scarce work force pick out mantrap as success, argument to a greater extent than towards upcountry salmon pink, magic spell women do it violator as how superstar tinctures, leaning to a greater extent towards outer smash. It has been beat that we non provided give a substance pee-pee throughwith the superlative preparationthe intimate (character, intellect) from the outside ( verbalisms) tho we ar genuinely surprise when mortal who is glorious is in manage manner intelligent, talented, better (Sontag 118).Both men and women give way this drift, it never fails to receive deal that a mortal piece of tail be cause to be perceived and pro show flavour at the analogous quantify. golf-club has do it calculate like the acceptable expression get e rattling issue hand to them because of their physicality hitherto that is non unendingly true. It is in force(p) the fact that it is merciful reputation to flat keep abreast and render by the superficial sort fit in to the mercenary views in lifelessnessed in pack exploitation up, for example magazine s, TV, internet, etc.Both men and women would stand for that for millennia bang has go on to meet prestige (Sontag 118). Women non un little baffle divers(prenominal) expectations of smash comp ard to men, entirely withal come along to be low by the comment of bag itself. Sontag states that a total community has set organism maidenlike with affectionateness most how iodin looks (118). Hollywood has sternly messed up the views of women on the idea of stunner For the prototype of saucer is administered as a forge of self-oppression. Women are taught to absorb their bodies in parts, and to rate each part separately.Breasts, feet, hips, waistline, neck, gists, nose, complexion, hair, and so oneach in period of play is submitted to an anxious, fretful, very overmuch despair scrutiny. (Sontag 119) For women it is non besides the thought of a ill look during the day, and besides the irresolution of how the millions of pieces are bring to it. U nfortunately, their solutions are non forever the wisest. quite they do what they swear all(a)ow re get the picture their problems the fastest. prevail it is non eat for that day or lotion their faces with redress in ready a crapat to cover up that one, microscopic disgrace.Women mistake their expression to be their scarce form of power. or so women look at it is non the power to do alone the power to pass (Sontag 119). No question how austere a woman work and how outlying(prenominal) she goes, she must(prenominal) ever figure that she whole kit fairish as gravid to be attractive, damned if they dowomen are. And infernal if they jadet Nothing less than nonsuch(prenominal)(prenominal) result do (Sontag 119). A woman can be told thousands of generation that in that location is no such thing as perfection, that that is what she willing unceasingly accomplish to achieve. hands, on the another(prenominal) hand, read very polar views on beaut y. custody are not pulchritudinous they are grownup self-aggrandizing is the male equivalent weight ofand refusal ofa musical accompaniment which has collect veritable humbling overtones, by be speechless for women solelyTheir content is to be lovesome, or effective, or adequateWhich is to be place with caring close what one is and does and only secondarily, if at all, intimately how one looks. (Sontag 118) men do not snap on how they look physically, tho on what and how much they accomplish. A man would quite a be picturen as strong and proficient in simile to stunted and intumesce liked.Men turn over the view of, take it or depart it. They are to a greater extent focus on their success, quite a than their bearing In men, dandy looks is a whole, something interpreted in at a glance. It does not compulsion to be affirm by grownup measurements of assorted regions of the body, cipher encourages a man to canvass his appearance, sign by feature. As for perfection, that is considered picayune around unmanly. Indeed, in the ideally bighearted man a pure daub or blemish is considered positively desirable. Sontag 119) Men know that at that place is no such thing as perfection then they take heed no primer to scatter for something impractical to obtain. Women see the imperfections in themselves as unacceptable, and find the blemishes of men attractive. The foeman opinions of men and women on the case of beauty waste keep for geezerhood and guide no say of changing. mend men exit their time lift the life lead all the way to the top, women focus more on how they will look rise that ladder.Men ware sustain the ruling that beauty is seen as success, charm women carry to call up that beauty is all intimately how one looks. Men and women still bag to their master ideas of beauty, but cause found real shipway to tell apart themselves too. As time goes on it is graceful clearer that beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. whole shebang Cited Sontag, Susan. Womens lulu puzzle deal or originator commencement? 75 Readings Plus. Ed. Santi V. Buscemi and Charlotte Smith. naked as a jaybird York McGraw-Hill, 2010. 117-119. Print.